Well, Hello Everyone!
Where, oh where, does the time go? I can hardly believe that it has been two months since I blogged last, but it is completely true. I guess life can get busy and things like blogging do not take priority in my life. (Although I do really enjoy it). ;-)

The update:
Christmas was wonderful. We had our first major snowstorm of the winter over the Christmas weekend, so we had my in-laws stay for a few days. It was nice having a Christmas in our new home. No traveling, and no packing / un-packing. I must say that I prefer that from now on. :-) Don't get me wrong; I LOVE traveling, but I also love not having to travel when I don't want to. (Is that selfish?) I would host every holiday if it meant staying in the comfort of my own home. I just LOVE being home!

On that note, we have complete all of our renovation projects that we started when we bought our new house last July. YAY! Yesterday we started a new list of projects, set to start in the next month or so. YIKES! I guess the people that told me 'the projects never end' were right. :-) We have a list for this year and future years already started. I am really excited about one in particular. A garden! We are going to have our first vegetable / fruit garden in the backyard. I am very excited to grow some foods and make some meals out of our own garden. It may seem strange, but I feel like there will be a sense of satisfaction when we can use the foods that we have grown on our own.

Oops, I forgot to mention New Year's. We had a great New Year's celebration with friends!! We went to Maple Grove and hung out with a bunch of friends - ate yummy foods - and played Pictionary Man! Fun Fun Fun!!! We rang in the new year with a lot of goals for 2010. Personal and business goals. We have them posted in our bedroom with achievement dates so we can see them every day. It helps keep us accountable.

So, A strange thought - but I was telling Darek yesterday that I had a strong feeling that we would win the HGTV dream home this year.
I know some people may think that it's a far fetched reality, but I really believe that it can happen. What Darek suggested, and I am right on board with him, is that we donate it to Mercy Ministries. http://www.mercyministries.org/ They have a wonderful ministry, which we support each year, but wish we could do more. How wonderful to donate a place they could use as a retreat center or something great. These are the things that make me excited to grow personally and abundantly in the blessings of God. The more we are blessed, the more we can bless others. That thought makes my heart smile! :)

Thought for the day / week / year:

You must take a LEAP of Faith before your Miracle will happen.



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