Happy Birthday, Dad... Happy almost 1 Month, Tobiah!

Where does the time go?? I know that it flies, especially when there is so much going on in life, but really it could slow down just a tad!

Today marks my father's 53rd birthday! He's always proud of his birthday's so I thought I would give him (part of) the lime light on my blog today. :-) I hope you have a great day and I love you, Dad!

On Friday, Tobiah will be officially 1 Month old!! WOW!!!!! That's hard to wrap my mind around. It seems like yesterday that my mom was here and we were walking, walking, walking, getting toes done, massaging feet & ankles, walking, walking, walking... You get the point. Now here we are and it's already been almost an entire month! Tobiah is a happy, healthy baby. He is a very good eater and sleeper! :-) Praise the Lord!! We are working through some minor reflux issues, but other than that things are just great on the home front.

Of course I will post a 1 month picture on Friday, but until then here is the most recent picture from our trip to his first Twins game.

Love it!! I couldn't be happier with our family! :-)
Until next time


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