Team Blue

You guessed it! 
We are thrilled to announce that we will be joining team BLUE with little baby boy Schwarz!!!
I still cannot figure out how to rotate the picture after uploading. Argh!

We had the ultrasound tech circle the baby's sex on this piece of paper (and she also included a very detailed picture with her confirmation) and placed it in an envelope to open after we left the office. (I figured I would spare you the detailed picture and just include our little note instead.)

The excitement and anticipation were too much, and we HAD to open it once we got home. We decided to open it up in the room that will be the nursery, to make that a special memory. How special it was! We are both overjoyed, and excited to welcome our little baby boy into this world.
I was hoping to keep this a secret until the baby was born, but after we opened the envelope, I just couldn't see how we could both keep quiet that long. I know a lot of people also wanted to hear the news, and I knew that the pressure of people asking and guessing would eventually get to me... so I gave in.
Now we have to get serious about names. I have a feeling this could be a long process. Thank goodness we still have 4 months to figure it out! :-)

We know we are completely blessed to have a perfectly healthy baby, created in the image of God. We are forever grateful for this miracle! God does keep his promises, and blessings happen in His perfect timing.

For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him
1 Samuel 1:27

*Remembering 2 angel babies that have gone before


  1. Congratulations! I'm sure he will be attending many Twins games in the future. :)

  2. Congratulations Stephanie!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Cute way to find out. God is so good!

  3. So as far as the name thing goes.... we could go with Tori Hunter Schwarz (remeber his awesome batting pose) or William Mays Schwarz (Dareks middle name is William and you can call him willie). The possibilities are endless. Good thing you have four months to decide.
    Grandma is a proud member of team blue.

  4. We went to the Twins Pro Shop on Saturday and purchased his first twins outfit (from us). He does have some others already from friends / family too... Hopefully he will be wearing it home from the hospital. :-) We did register for some vikings apparel as well, but he will definitely be a Twins fan through and through. :-)


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