Score!!! Craigslist Rocks!!!

Every few days I rummage through the postings on Craigslist to see if there is anything of value posted that we need for this baby. Well, I saw a posting for a really nice swing that is identical to the one we registered for. It was such a great price, I had to inquire! The long and short of it is this... There is a family about 10 miles from our house that is moving in June, and they have 3 young boys. They stored all of their baby supplies in case they would need them again, only to decide they will not. SCORE for us!! Everything they had was in perfect / new condition with a couple of items only having been used once or twice. It's always nice to find a good 'find' on Craigslist because we all know that some people can be dishonest or have dirty / very used things that just are not what anyone would want to buy (even if it is used).

This was a beautiful, clean home and the nice lady selling even put batteries in everything to demonstrate and show how the equipment worked. We were SO happy to find the assortment of goodies. I will post some pictures, but please don't mind the quality. I found some of the products online and used those pictures. (Are you hanging in enough suspense yet?)

 Rainforest Bouncer Seat

Cradle Swing (Side to Side and Back to Front)

Rainforest Jumparoo

Baby Bjorn (air)

Boppy Pillow + 2 Covers
Sorry it's sideways
Animals Floor Activity / Tummy Time Mat

So, there you have it! She also threw in a swaddle blanket for an older baby. She said she swears by them, and thought we should have one. This lady and her kids were wonderful, and we had a fun time shopping. I think I am done for a while now. (Darek thanks me!!) :-)

It may seem strange but I feel a bit more prepared, knowing we have some things that will be very useful. Let the rest of the good times roll.

Feeling SO very blessed!


  1. Jack loved his jumperoo and the boppy was priceless to me. Jack even loved to nap on it after he stopped breastfeeding. The Bjorn is one of the best things we got too and you'll love the hands free time the swing will give you....saved my life! I'm so glad you had for baby never gets old, much to the chagrin of the men in the family! Ha.

  2. Yay for lots of good stuff! Baby items are slowly starting to take over the house! Craziness! Craigslist rocks for sure tho!


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