Snow, Snow & More Snow!!

After a really nice week of sunshine and melting snow, we have been blessed to once again get blasted by another snow storm. I must admit that I was enjoying the warmer temperatures and I really got a hankering for spring! I know it's a bit early, but I am all for an early spring regardless of what the calendar says. Darek has been doing a great job keeping the driveway clear, and I thought I'd give him credit by including a picture of his hard work in action.
This is after Darek blew the driveway out so we could get groceries, and we were gone for less than an hour. Sad. I hear that we are supposed to have a total of 15-18 inches by tomorrow noon. (I can hardly wait for the commute to and from work!!) :s

Aside from the snow, this is an exciting week for us, as we have our anatomical Ultrasound. We are both really looking forward to this and hope to have the option of recording the ultrasound on a DVD. I don't even know if our office offers that, but I am going to bring a disc along just in case. In the mean time, this is the most current picture I have:
19 Weeks
(Sorry, I missed last week's picture. I guess I just got caught up in doing too many other things)

This baby is growing and I'm REALLY showing!! Maternity pants are a must now. I know some people wear their regular pants unbuttoned with a belly band, but I find that extremely uncomfortable compared to maternity pants. SO... a shopping I have gone, and will continue to go (not that I need an excuse). :-)

Waiting out the blizzard in the warmth of our home.


  1. Hey Stephanie, Cute bump! Looks like our due dates are 3 days apart-crazy! Happy to hear all is going well. We're finding out this week too what we will be adding to our family :) Can't wait!

  2. Hi Sarah! How fun it will be to have a new little baby and a 'helper' at home. :-) I know that Eva is also expecting this summer. Lots of babies! It must be something in the water. :-) Enjoy your ultrasound - I'll look forward to the update!


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