Time for an Update

For the past month or so I have been telling myself almost daily that I really need to update this blog. Well, I finally have a few uninterrupted minutes to work on this so here we go!

Tobiah is now 4.5 months old!! It's so much fun seeing his personality develop every single day.
Four Month Stats:
13 Pounds
25 Inches Long

I love that I am able to spend 4 days each week with him, but I really do look forward to the day that I can spend every single day with him. He is such a joy! I have learned A LOT about life, balance and motherhood over the past 4.5 months. It's truly amazing how someone so small can steal your heart, and change your life in ways you never thought imaginable. He laughs and giggles all of the time, and is really happy when he wakes up from naps or night time sleeping. His smiles are amazing and melt my heart.

Toby is rolling over a lot, primarily from tummy to back. It's funny to watch him, because he has made tummy time into a rolling game. He does a great job on his tummy, with books and toys propped up near him, but when he is done he will usually just roll over with a big smile on his face. He loves story time, and tries to read the books back to us (in his own little baby language). It sounds like he is trying to say Mama sometimes, even though I don't think he really knows what it means. Grandpa Dana is teaching him all kinds of things, including how to count to 5 with his fingers, ABC's, and how to sing and play guitar. He is captivated by all of this, and loves learning. He has a great attention span. Recently Toby discovered that he can sit up and he prefers this to laying back, which means that he does not enjoy his bouncy chair as much anymore. He loves jumping in his jumper and sitting in his new walker. He also enjoys looking at his feet and I am certain that they will soon find their way into his mouth (just as everything else does).
Tobiah & Zeke

We are working on more regular nap times, and longer sleeping patterns through the night. I think we are on a good track now, as he slept from 10:00 last night until 5:00 this morning with only one short fussy spell in the middle of the night. He worked through it and it ended up being no big deal. Hopefully this continues and he keeps sleeping longer through the night. We are also feeding him more in each bottle so I think this helps him remain full enough to make it through the nights. We have started to overcome some of the major reflux issues we were having by putting rice cereal (per recommendation of his pediatrician) in the bottle of breastmilk to help weigh it down. This has made a HUGE difference, and he rarely spits up when he has a bottle now. He is much happier and so are we. I always feel sad for him when he has spit-up spells. We are looking forward to starting him on solid foods when he reaches 6 months. I know he is going to love it!

Uncle Mark, Tobiah & Darek watching Thanksgiving Day football.
Collin, Madi, Tyler & Tobiah
Evan & Tobiah
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with Thanksgiving Day at Zeke's house, and the Friday after at Collin, Tyler, Evan, & Madi's house. He loves his cousins, and it is clear that they love him!!! :-) My dad and I picked up a Christmas Tree that Friday and put it up when we got home. Toby enjoyed the truck ride to IA and back, and was a trooper with the long drive. He is a great rider, and usually falls asleep on the long trips.
Hunny, Jaxon Bear, & Brodie waiting for their Thanksgiving treat.

We are looking forward to hosting Christmas this year. Hopefully we all have good weather for the traveling folks. We have a lot of presents under the tree for Toby. He definitely has no lack in his life. I am not sure if I will update this again before Christmas arrives, so if not, have a Very Merry Christmas!  
Celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Yours Truly,


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