I Believe in Miracles!

Once again time has gotten away from me. So many topics, so little space to write about them.

First, to fill in some details from the previous few months... (Many details left out to save on your computer eyes).

In December, just before Christmas, my grandmother, Corinne was in a very serious head-on collision while driving into town for an appointment. She had multiple broken ribs (broken in multiple places) which is called a flail chest. She ended up having a punctured lung and a knee contusion as well. She was air-lifted to St. Mary's hospital in Rochester, MN and the staff did an excellent job working with and on her to help with her recovery. Grandma was in the ICU for a few days, and opted to have a risky new surgery involving rib stabilization. It is an amazing surgery, and her surgeon was specifically hired by Mayo due to his expertise in this area. He is a trauma surgeon, and was very straight forward regarding all of the options and the possible side effects if she did or did not have the surgery. Grandma's recovery during this time was truly miraculous! She went from a questionable state to out of the hospital in less than one week! Amazing!! I am grateful that we were able to be with her and with my grandpa during this time. (My mom flew home to help out for a few weeks when Grandma got home. She played the role of nurse, housekeeper, chef, and everything else grandma & grandpa needed during that time. Bless her heart). God's promises are awesome and I thank Him for his hedge of protection over my grandma. She has so much more life to live, and we are all truly thankful for her!

In January, my uncle Dale had a massive heart attack and was air lifted to Mercy hospital in Des Moines. He was unconscious and not breathing when the ambulance arrived at his house. Once they restored his heart rhythms he was unable to breathe on his own, hence the need to send him to a larger hospital. Due to the amount of time that he was without oxygen, his brain had serious damage. He was in the ICU and the doctors were unable to take him out of the drug induced coma because his body would go into convulsions. He was non-responsive for nearly a week and the prognosis was not looking great. The neurologist performed a couple of diagnostic scans and tests and told my aunt Deana and I that he would possibly wake up and maybe talk and even walk again, but he also stated that he could wake up be remain glossy-eyed without the ability to speak. Not Good! He eventually had the breathing tube removed and was able to breathe on his own. The medical staff was amazed, as they had witnessed a miracle in his recovery as well. They were able to bring him out of the coma and his body stopped having convulsions. He is now home and recently called my dad to talk on the phone!!! PRAISE GOD!! Another huge blessing in our family!

While my uncle Dale was still in the hospital, my cousin, Natalie's, step-son Connor was in a sledding accident. He ended up smashing face first into a tree. He was air lifted to Iowa City and had emergency brain surgery. His sinus cavity was crushed and pushed up into his frontal lobe. He cracked his skull and had a lot of swelling on his brain. They performed the surgery and praise God, he survived! He is recovering, but still has quite a road ahead of him. He cannot smell or taste, and may never have that function again. He will likely have more surgeries in his future, but the great news is that he is alive and well. What a Miracle!!

OK - This is not a doom and gloom blog post. I write this to share the news (if you were unaware), but more importantly to share the miraculous outcomes. We serve an amazing, loving, good God! He is there in ways we cannot imagine and always has our best in mind. God does not cause bad things to happen, but he is there to help us through it and to heal our wounds both physically and emotionally. He will restore us if we ask him to. I did not need these events to affirm my faith, but I pray that God will now use this opportunity for many people to draw near to Him.

On our home front, things are going well and I will write more about that another time. Toby says HI, and he will make sure I post some pictures with our next post!

May you all believe in miracles too, as they are happening every day!

Until next time,


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