Celebration Central

As we approach summer life seems to speed up tremendously. We take advantage of every moment that we can spend outside enjoying the warm weather and the SUN! :-) I thank God for the bright sunshine and longer days during summer!! I think that they reason our days get longer is because we have so much going on and God knows that we are more productive when we have more constant daylight. ;-)

Not only do we have projects to complete during our longer days, we have new things to watch and discover with Tobiah. It is so much fun watching him learn! I love looking into his eyes as he notices new things, and watching him respond and react. He is very smart, and it is evident in the way he studies and responds to nearly everything.

Every day is a celebration of new discoveries and physical accomplishments. Along with those celebrations come the rest of our May celebrations. First, Darek's birthday was on May 2nd. Mother's Day was on May 13th (which I enjoyed spending with my husband, son and in-law's at Target Field). My birthday was today (Yes, I'm now 30!! YIKES!!)! Finally, Darek and I celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, May 22nd. I am fully & completely blessed!!!!!

Kid's bat giveaway day! Toby's first game in 2012
Here are a few more pictures of Tobiah to make this post a bit more interesting. :-) He is such a character! He is becoming more and more mobile every day. After he started crawling EVERYWHERE, he immediately learned how to go up stairs. He can go down our one stair between the kitchen and den, but he is still a little timid. He has had his share of tumbles while trying to master this, but most of the time he is able to make it down just fine. Another newer accomplishment is his constant standing up and walking along furniture. Pretty much every time Toby wakes up from a nap during the day, I can count on him standing in his crib to greet me. There is no stopping him now. Once up, he always asks us to help him walk around by hanging onto our fingers. Now he has started letting go to see if he can stand and walk by himself. He does it at random times, so watch out if you are walking with him. :-)

Oh, and in case you were wondering... Yes, he is still very vocal. He loves talking and singing!!

Ok, really - here are the pictures as promised...

9 Months
Laughing it up with Daddy!

Playing catch with Mommy!

Look out - I'm climbing up!

Grandpa, you cannot catch me - I am safe under this chair!
Cheese!!! (Such a ham)

Hunny is learning to read Toby's book.
 Until time allows another post!


  1. Happy Belated 30th! We are both in our 30s-its crazy. I say I'm at the age I always used to think was the beginning of "old"! haha but we most definitely arent! Tobiah is so adorable and getting so big!! This is definitely a fun stage but they sure keep us busy. Also Happy Anniversary!


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