My Strong-Willed 1 Year Old

Is it even possible that Tobiah has reached the 1 year mark? It seems like yesterday that I was anxiously (or not so anxiously) awaiting his arrival and here we are an entire year later!

The journey this past year has been both challenging and rewarding, with SO much more to come... We have enjoyed the Hot summer this year, and I am grateful that my schedule allowed me to spend a significant amount of time outside, playing in the water and taking walks. Tobiah received a swing for his birthday and he really seems to enjoy it! It makes a huge swooping motion, which probably makes his little tummy rise to his throat, but he still smiles and asks for more.  ;-)

Tobiah has always been a very vocal baby, and that has continued into this new stage in life. Not only does he jabber a lot, but he has recently become quite demanding and frustrated that he cannot express his needs so that we understand what he wants. We are working through some tough tantrums currently, but I know this will pass and I pray daily for patience and love for my baby boy as he develops into the amazing boy that I know he is. I checked out a book from the local library titled the New Strong Willed-Child. I don't really know if he is in fact strong-willed, or if it's just a phase that we are going through and in my own mind he seems strong-willed.... I figure it doesn't hurt to be prepared, so I am excited to read this book and learn from it. I also requested the Baby Sign DVD's (volumes 1,2,&3) so we can help Toby learn a method of communication that will benefit all of us before he can fully vocalize his needs. I am really looking forward to this.

Some of the latest information and new situations include:
1st Birthday party with a lot of friends and family. Thank you to everyone that helped make Toby's birthday special and memorable. A special thank you to Great Grandpa & Grandma Rasmussen for making the trip to our house and spending some time with all of us. Tobiah has enjoyed all of his gifts. He is very blessed!

Ms. Jacqui (our next door neighbor) has graciously watched Tobiah this summer on Monday's & Thursday's. She is one of the most patient and loving people I could ever have asked for as a babysitter for Toby. We are really going to miss having her this coming fall. On that note, we are now in the process of finding a new babysitter... We have a few options, but I am very cautious and prayerful regarding this decision. Of course, we only want the best for our baby! My hear aches every time I think about leaving him in the care of someone I do not know, but I am confident that God will lead us to the best fit.
Grandpa Jerry has been watching him on Tuesday's which also gives him time to play with his cousin, Zeke. It's really cute watching them play together and develop a great friendship.

We have grown into solid foods very nicely. He is finally through a phase of refusing his food, and only wanting milk... I had to cut his milk intake back a little bit because he is getting plenty of dairy through cheese, yogurt & cottage cheese. He still likes the puree style foods, but we make sure he has texture so he can continue to experience new foods. I made scrambled eggs for him on Wednesday and he did pretty well with that. It's still funny and entertaining to watch his expressions when he tries new foods!

No more bottles!! Tobiah is solely using sippy cups now, so we increased our supply of cups and he is good to go. Let me say, some of them require an engineering degree to use so I'm glad I think that way. :-) I am glad we made this transition because a lot of day care settings do not allow bottles past the age of 14 months.

Tobiah is walking around,but still continues to prefer crawling when he needs to get somewhere quickly. He is a little wobbly when he tries to walk more than 8 or 9 steps. He's getting better at it each day!

SO much has happened and we are very blessed to have such a wonderful toddler! Although we are experiencing some trying temper-tantrums and limit-testing, we are still grateful to have the awesome responsibility of parenting this amazing little boy. My love for him just continues to grow each day.


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