Happy Anniversary!!

In front of the Adams Family home in Quincy, MA
Happy 9 Year Anniversary, Darek!
A little background:
Darek and I met at a birthday party for a mutual friend our Junior year of high school. (We lived in towns about 30 minutes apart, but ended up having mutual friends through TEC, which Darek was involved in and I was not.) I was dating someone else at the time and our mutual friend invited him because she had a crush on him! My first impression was that he (along with his guy friends) was obnoxious and I just could not see what she saw in him...

Fast forward an entire year to the end of our Senior Year in high school. I was invited to a gathering of friends and you guessed it, Darek was there! I did not think too much of it, but he was writing on his senior pictures and had a line of people waiting at a table for him. Yes, Darek was always the center of attention! :-) I decided that I should have a photo as well (I believe he gave me 2) so I hopped in line. The only thing I remember is that he was funny and I hung on to his pictures...
A few weeks later I left for a mission trip to New Zealand and Australia for 8 weeks. Upon my return I was busy packing and preparing to move to IA for college. Once the school season began, Darek discovered that I was living with our mutual friend and asked her for my email address. He emailed me something about my car (which was in need of a new muffler and is hilarious because he does not care much or take interest AT ALL in cars) and the rest is history. We began writing and calling each other frequently, as he was in St. Paul at St. Thomas for college. 
We dated 3.5 years and were married after 6 months of engagement. No marriage is all peaches and cream, but I would have to say that through our association we have learned a lot about relationships, commitment, and communication for which I am eternally grateful! The wonderful days far outweigh the rough days!!
We were blessed with a beautiful baby boy on 7/26/2011 and are expecting our second child in November. I am blessed beyond description!! Darek is a wonderful father and amazes me with his patience and love for Tobiah and me daily. I would not have it any other way!!
We have a wonderful home, filled with the love of God and the love for each other. 
Thank you, Darek for being a caring, patient, generous, God-fearing, provider for Tobiah and me! You are my hero! I love you and am excited to experience the rest of our lives together!
Stephanie (Steppy, Steph-fa-fa, Fa-fa)        


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