It's about time for an update

I have been such a slacker with this blog over the past year and for that I apologize! We have been so very blessed already and have a lot to look forward to this fall.

Baby girl is on her way:
Darek, Tobiah and I are expecting an addition of a baby girl in early November. Toby is excited to meet his baby sister, and is it the sweetest thing to hear him include her in his prayers every night before bed. He knows which bedroom is hers and that the cute, pink toys, etc. are for baby sister. We are still working on a name for our new addition, but I am sure we will have that taken care of by the time she arrives. :-)

This pregnancy has been completely different from my pregnancy with Toby. I began the first 8 or 9 weeks with some nausea all day long. I was always hungry but as soon as I ate I felt sick. This was especially difficult because that was during the time that we were not yet sharing our exciting news. It was challenging hiding that I was not feeling well, but as far as I know, nobody caught on. ;) I was so grateful once the nausea subsided!!

 Our Summer in a (large) Nutshell:
New appliances and completed cabinets

Cabinets re-faced


 Thank you to Mr. Bear for painting and re-facing our kitchen cabinets. I was also blessed with a new microwave and double - convection oven! It makes being domestic so much more enjoyable! :-)

 As many of you know, Darek and I took a trip to Boston in May which was absolutely fantastic!!! The only downside for me was the inability to partake in the delicious seafood... Aside from that it was a wonderful time away with our friends, The Quattro's. :-) We did a LOT of walking so that was especially good for me early on in my pregnancy. I really look forward to returning to Boston with Toby and baby girl when they are a little older and can understand and appreciate learning the history of our nation. (It is one of our dreams to educate our children through experiences like that).

Then, over Mother's Day Suzy, Tobiah and I flew out to Arizona to surprise my mom for the weekend! It was fast trip, but so nice to be 'home' with Dad & Mom! I miss them, but love being able to fly out to visit a couple of times each year.
Mother's Day 2013 in Gilbert, Arizona

We were home most of June, enjoying our time as a family and preparing for the busy summer yet to come.
We celebrated Tobiah's 2nd birthday at the end of July with a Thomas the Train themed party. It was a complete success and he was feeling very loved that special day. Side note: his Thomas balloon is still floating!!! He really enjoys his trains! I had a great time planning his party and have taken a strong liking to Pinterest for the awesome ideas for party food and decoration ideas. I look forward to the numerous birthday parties I can help plan in the future!

When we found out that we were having a baby girl I was thrilled. :-) A Boy and a Girl makes the perfect balance to our family. We have been inundated with pink! I was just washing a load of her laundry in preparation and the dryer lint was pink!!!! So cute!!! :-) One huge difference this time is that this baby is extremely active. She pushes on me every which way, and it is not particularly comfortable. I am happy that she is growing strong and healthy, though. ;)

In August we took a fabulous family trip to Chicago. Jerry & LuAnn and Scotty & Dani also joined us and made the trip even more enjoyable. Toby is a great traveler!! He does well on road trips and seems to really enjoy the adventure just as we do. A couple of highlights were the Lincoln Park Zoo, the Twins vs. White Sox game, the giant ferris wheel on the Navy Pier and the Shedd Aquarium. Again, we did a great deal of walking which proved to be a little more difficult for me. I am glad I have been able to stay in good health, but it was certainly exhausting at times. Not to mention that my SI joint has been slipping out of place frequently so walking and sleeping are not a piece of cake anymore...

A couple of weeks later Darek and I took one more trip! This time we went to Dallas and Houston, TX with our friends Jeff & Julie. We enjoyed eating at Sprinkle's cupcake shop (twice)! We stayed in nice hotels and took in a couple of Twins games. It was very hot in Texas when we arrived and I must say that once again I was able to stay active and drink a lot of water to keep cool. We went to the space station in Houston which was really neat! I would definitely take Toby & baby girl there some day. We had a great time away, but it is always nice returning home. We missed Toby!!

One of the many Twins games we were at this year
Currently, we have been completing yard projects and I have been working hard to keep up with housework, organization, and keeping our yard nice as fall begins. I am at that point where I have trouble bending, (for some reason there is a large mass in my front / mid-section!) creating extra challenges for me. I recently realized that I hadn't read a single book on preparing for the birth of our new baby so I decided to pull out my books to freshen my brain on the miraculous process that is soon to happen. Once I began reading, I really started to realize that we only have a few weeks left to prepare before our lives change again. :-) I am SO excited to welcome our new addition and have friends and family to our home throughout the holiday season. I know I haven't been there yet, but in my opinion, this is the perfect time of year for a new addition to the family.

Caramel Apple Pie
We did enjoy the Apple Orchard already this fall, and I was able to make a few nice apple creations with fresh orchard apples!

I look forward to teaching Tobiah how to love, protect and befriend his new sister. I am almost giddy to see his reaction once she is born. He already has a lot of love for her!

One final, big phase we are in is the potty training phase. It has not been simple, like some people say it was for them, but Toby is so close to being fully there. We began again today and are working hard on it this weekend. Let's pray that he catches on and we are good to go after this weekend! :-)

Now that this novel has finally made it to print, I will finish by saying that I absolutely LOVE being a mommy and wife! I still long for the day I can be a full time homemaker. Although I do enjoy my work, in my heart I feel that this is my calling. Until the day that I have that decision to make, I will thank God for all that I have been blessed with and continue to be blessed with.

Great Friends, Family and the most loving husband in the world.

~Next Update: Baby Girl


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