Dusting Things Off

My, how time has passed since my last attempt to update the world on the happenings of life in the Schwarz family. As they say, time flies when you're having fun! I'm not sure it has all been fun, but reflecting on the past sure does have many wonderful memories. God has revealed his blessings to our family in ways we could never dream up on our own. I must add one major update before I dive in to the details of this past year (okay, let's be honest - 2 months).

June 25th, 2015 was the beginning of our life as a family of 5! Here are the details on our second baby girl:
11 Months

Makaiya Faith Schwarz - 6/25/2015
6:00 PM
7lbs. 2oz.
18 inches

(Makaiya) - St. Thomas - Magen's Bay
She was positioned face up and refused to turn so I could deliver her quickly and easily. This was a clear indication of her personality from the very beginning. Makaiya brings a lot of joy and balance to our family. She is fun-loving, funny, sweet, and knows how to use her big brown eyes and facial expressions to sway people. Kaiya has stubborn streaks (like her daddy, wink wink) and is very determined to keep up with her big brother and sister. She may be the youngest, but she packs a big personality into her small frame and has no fear! She will try just about anything without hesitation, which encourages her older siblings to do the same. Kaiya will turn 5 this year, and will begin kindergarten in the fall. She is so excited to go to school with her brother and sister. She is currently sitting next to me, using the Chromebook to learn Latin. This is a base language taught at their school, and she is ready to dive in!

St. Thomas - Magen's Bay
Toby is now 8 years old (how did that happen?!?!?!), turning 9 in July, and will be in 4th grade this fall. He is the most resilient child I know, having been at three different elementary schools thus far (Sheesh!). We have landed on a school that we love, which was our ultimate destination choice from the beginning, but it took four years before we were able to get in. Toby's classroom teacher filled an assistant principal position at his school in late January, so his class ended up with a long-term substitute to complete the school year. Three weeks later, we were at home doing distance learning. Two weeks into distance learning his math teacher had a baby and another long-term substitute filled her role through the remainder of the school year. He has never even met her, but none of this seemed to have any effect on him. His reflective writing on his favorite part of Third Grade provided the best insight into what is important to children. Play! Playing football with his friends at recess is his favorite memory from this past school year. He sure misses his friends right now.

San Juan, Puerto Rico

St. Thomas - Magen's Bay
Carina was in Kindergarten this year and absolutely thrived! She is a naturally gifted learner. Information and new concepts stick with her quickly and she has begun to soar in her reading and writing, as well as her math and science lessons. Carina has great recall, and even offers help to her brother if he is stuck. This has been well received so far. Carina is 6 years old and will turn 7 after she starts First grade in the fall. She was just beginning to form some strong bonds with her friends in her class before we were set up with distance learning. Missing friends is the theme of our spring. We are now beginning to see friends occasionally. The kids had more fun playing, and played incredibly well with their buddies this past weekend. It was refreshing, and much needed!
Tiana - Disney Fantasy Cruise 2020

I will leave this here for now. We miss our friends as well, and are doing our best to stay connected from a distance, as necessary. There is so much more to say, and I will be updating this blog regularly going forward, but I needed to get the dust off and provide a quick update in the meantime. God is good!

Loving Springtime,


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