3 Month Checkup

My Daily Breakfast

3 Months! Can you believe it? 
Well, we are actually 4 months out from surgery, but 3 months from my first checkup so please don't mind the discrepancy. 

Now that we cleared that up, I would like to share my reports. Anyone who has ever dealt with a chronic illness or cancer will know that there are many moments of uncertainty - every. single. day.! Maybe this passes with time, so I will be sure to let you know as I continue to write year after year. Any little twinge of pain or negative thought can send us spiraling into an abyss of what if's and doubt. That is where faith comes in. The moment those thoughts take hold, we have to re-train our brain to think something positive and speak truth over the uncertainty. These moments of  not knowing and waiting reveal our character and our faith. 

A recent devotion I was reading spoke of God's favor. (I will paraphrase the short study) The concept behind the study was that it is important who we surround ourselves with. Noah found favor with the Lord, but his entire family was spared in the flood. The Bible does not say that Noah's family had favor, but they were saved because of their association with Noah and his favor. 
Do we surround ourselves with people who make us better, speak life and truth over us, and truly want the best for us? Or, do we surround ourselves with people who are negative, careless and emotionally draining? As my dad always said, "If you want to be a grape, you hang around the grapes." You will become who you associate with! It is so important to find people walking in God's favor and surround ourselves with them, so we can also experience that favor in our lives.

I am grateful for the favor God has poured out on my life and over my family. We have been blessed well beyond measure with faith-filled family, wonderful friends, caring people in our jobs and associations and a tremendous church family. I know that all of the prayers being said on my behalf are working because I see it first-hand. I humbly say, THANK YOU!

Okay, you may be saying - get on with it, Steph. I want to know about your check-up! Got it! My blood work all came back great! Aside from all of the supplements and other blood panels that were drawn, there are two specific to monitoring colon cancer and recurrence. The first one is called CEA and the second is CA19-9. Both of these came back with very low numbers (within the normal range)! Glory to God!!! If I said I didn't do a happy dance I would be lying. This goes to show God's faithfulness and I look forward to sharing more reports just like this until I have fully lived the long life God promises. 

Next check-up will be in October and will have a CT scan as well as labs. Hooray!

Blessed beyond measure,



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