6 Month Check-Up

Dance Partay!!!

Let's jump right into it. 

On Monday, 10/26/2020, I drove to Edina to have my 6 month follow up CT scan. My sweet neighbor, G.J., rode along with me. It was so nice having her company in the car, and we proceeded to have a great time shopping at Hobby Lobby. :-) I was fully expecting to wait until my Friday follow up appointment with my doctor before receiving the results. My phone rang at 4:45PM and the caller ID said it was my Doctor's office calling. I figured they were just calling to confirm my Friday appointment, but they were calling because they had already received the CT results and they wanted to share them with me.

Drumroll, please.............................

The scan came back "normal!" Hallelujah! That is great news, as I have been diligently working on my daily habits in eating and supplementing in ways that will prohibit cancer growth. It is NOT easy, but it IS working! Queue the happy tears and happy dance!

I have to admit that I cried partially because I have had moments of doubt, and I want so badly to have an unshakable faith. Faith that is always greater than fear! A positive mental attitude helps people live longer and heal faster. Nobody said it would be easy and I assure you it is not. I still have moments when I struggle to accept that this is my story. Something inside me cringes when I hear the "C" word, and I still have a difficult time saying it out loud. However, I know who wrote my story and I know that He has given me victory over cancer! 

I heard a song on the radio earlier this week that said, "we are meant to be part of something Holy!" Holy means to be Set Apart. We are meant to be part of a group that is set apart, sharing the love of God with the world. I want to continue sharing my story in order to bring HOPE to a world that desperately needs it! I pray that my story sets me apart in a way that encourages people who may be suffering or struggling. We serve a great God, and He alone is the author of peace, healing, and comfort. 

Did you know that cancer is the #2 killer in America, second to Heart Disease? Whether you knew that before reading this or not, now the question is WHY??? Why is the number of deaths by cancer so high and why has it not changed? Also, let's note that this is the statistic for America, but this is not the case in the rest of the world. Knowing this leads me to believe that we could have some control over this. I have spent countless hours researching potential causes of cancers, why our diets in America are killing us, and how we can prevent this. This is a DEEP rabbit hole, which I will do my best to write about in smaller segments, but it is a rabbit hole worth exploring! If we can educate our nation, starting with our own families and friends, we can start a health revolution. I honestly believe it can be done, but it takes desire. Desire to live a healthy life and lead by example for our future generations. We CAN do this!

When I received my initial diagnosis I was told many things by many well-meaning people. Things like, "if you're going to have cancer, the is the one you want because it is so common and treatable." I was thinking, WHAT?!?!?! Um, great??? I think??? Seriously, we are talking about a disease that KILLS people!!!! 

They failed to mention that it is treatable, but rarely cured! The battle is long and difficult for most people. The long term survival rate is 80% post chemotherapy and 50% without chemotherapy (for stage IIIa). Well, those are not great statistics and I choose not to live based on statistics. I have said this before, but I know that numbers are for Man, but God does not work based on man's numbers and stats. 

I serve a mighty God, able to do everything that He promises in the Bible. EVERYTHING! I continue to stand on truth, and I will remain regimented in my daily habits, trusting that God has led me to where I am today.

My scars do not define me, but they help tell my story. They remind me how great God is!

May God continue to bless you,



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