Thankful for 2020!

Yes, you read that right. I am thankful for 2020! I know it may be difficult to understand given the many reasons we have to be angry with 2020 and ready to throw it out the window, but hang with me here and you just may agree.

We're called to "Be on Guard. Stand Firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love." 1Corinthians 16:13-14

First of all, I do not believe there is ever a year, month, week, day, or hour that defines us. The story of our entire lives and our relationship (or lack thereof) with God is the only thing that truly defines us. Each moment of each day builds upon the next to create us into the person we were designed to become. I have found that a positive attitude through adversity and trial not only helps us personally, it helps that people surrounding us to stay positive as well. 


There are peer reviewed scientific studies proving the Power of Positive Thinking. These studies discuss the many mental and physical effects of positive thinking and how we can find joy, peace, contentment, and happiness through trial or stressful situations. I would be remiss to think that I am the only person who had a difficult 2020 and I will not wallow in self pity over it. There are simply too many great moments that should not be forgotten, simply because a few things did not go as planned in 2020. "But, Steph," you may say, "you don't know just how hard it was for me!" You're right. I do not. I will not pretend to understand what you are going through, but if you ask me to, I promise to pray for you.

However, I do know that life is happening all around us, and despite the unfortunate circumstances surrounding your worst moments, there are also many positives that can be drawn from them.

Here are a few of mine:

*Hunny (our beagle of 13 years) died in January. This was so much harder than I thought it would be. However, I love the memories that have been shared of our sweet beagle, and as a family we love talking about her. She shaped our lives in ways we did not imagine a pet could. She was a wonderful first furry child and we love reliving her memories.

*We went on our first Cruise at the end of January. We got off the ship and were informed that anyone with a passport showing they were recently in China would be denied entrance to the next departure. This was surprising, as we did not know anything about what was going on in the world for 8 days!! That blissful ignorance was supreme! (I could live like that.) It was a Disney cruise, and I was pretty nervous to be honest. There are so many unknowns, but it turned out to be a vacation I cherish and there are SO MANY great memories surrounding that trip. We visited Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, and Castaway Cay. The sun, water, sand, and relaxation was exactly what we needed. It was truly a vacation of a lifetime, and I am actually hoping to do it again when cruises open back up. 

*As most of you know I was diagnosed with colon cancer in March, which came as a shock! I still can't seem to fully wrap my mind around that, but I am doing well, and living the healthiest life I have ever lived now. I know that the frailty of human life was made so very real to me and to Darek, and our marriage has been strengthened through this trial. I love that I have had the opportunity to connect with "old" friends and make new acquaintances through sharing my story. I pray that those opportunities continue and that I will never lose sight of the plan God has for my life. I will never be thankful for cancer, but I am beyond thankful for the opportunities that my story has given me.

*Summer was outstanding! Being home wit
h the kids afforded us plenty of time outside, playing on the zip line, inflatable waterslide, gardening, and hanging clothes on the line to dry. Recovering from surgery took much longer than I anticipated, and the warm weather with windows open, birds singing and fresh warm air flowing through the house helped immensely! 

*We continued travelling as we were able to and made the best of every single moment. 

*I read more this year than I have read in most of my adult life combined. My Bible, Devotional books, Fiction, Non-fiction and Scientific studies. I have committed to educating myself on nutrition and the effect that food has on the many functions of the human body. There is so much great information to read and understand, and then implement into our daily habits to help us live healthier (and ultimately happier) lives.

*Being home more often has awarded me time with my children that I really could not have had any other way. Hybrid and distance learning has given me memories that I will cherish when our kids are back in school full time. While they need to be in school for SO Many Reasons, I can honestly say that I look back and am thankful for this extra time that God knew I needed with them. Watching them learn and get excited as things begin to click has been incredibly rewarding. Teaching long division over and over and over, hoping that it will eventually make sense, only to take me back to the days when my dad was doing the same for me. I remember the white house on the corner that I lived in at the time. Sitting in our formal living room with sunlight streaming through the shutters, and thinking "3 "ga-zin-ta" 12 how many times?" Haha! That is a special memory of my dad, and I hope that the memories made with Toby, Carina, and Makaiya this year would someday be that special to them as well.

2020 brought So Much Good to our lives, and I know it did for you as well. You just may need to look for it a little harder than you thought you would. Make a list, and if necessary, post it where you will see it to remind yourself of all of the good in your life. No two stories are alike, and the things that I find good in may be very different than the things you find good in. 

I would encourage you to find the GOOD that came out of 2020 and allow yourself to focus on that. Focus on how the positive events will propel you into 2021, and come what may, allow you to have another great year.

God is still good! God is still soverign! God is STILL in control!

Until Next Time,



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