When Thank You Doesn't Seem Like Enough

Her secret is simple. 
On her worst days, she prays. 
And on her best days, she prays.

Hello! Are you ready for another update?!?!? :-) A friend of mine posted those words today and I am in complete agreement!

I recently listened to a podcast and the speakers were discussing the concept of suffering well. The point of the topic was to allow God to do His work in us through our season of suffering and complete that season with a period before being quick to share our story - or share the victory. I agree with this statement, but often times find it challenging to wait on God's timing.


"Our longsuffering won't seem nearly as long or nearly as painful when we know God's perspective is to use every single second of our suffering for good." - Lysa Terkeurst

I know this topic well - almost too well at this point, however, I do believe there is a lot to say about suffering well and allowing fellow believers and friends to support us along our journey. I am glad to share my journey with each and every one of you, because I know that without your prayers and support I would struggle more. God has placed each of you in my life for this time, for a reason. I am incredibly grateful for that. The peace I feel and the encouragement from my support group is something I will NEVER take for granted. I have a friend who, for 6 months after my diagnosis, texted me every single day with a heart to let me know she was praying for me. It may seem small and simple, but it meant more to me than I can say with my limited vocabulary. I received So Many Flowers during my recovery, and that meant more to me than I even knew it would. The beauty of flowers and the life they brought to our home was comforting in a way I never knew I needed. I have been surrounded by life-giving scriptures and cards, text messages, emails, etc. as I was "suffering well." My heart overflows with gratitude and the best I can say is:


“When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” Psalm 94:19

I had my colonoscopy and upper endoscopy last Friday. I know many of you have been waiting for me to share the results and I apologize for the delay. The procedures went well, without a hitch, and everything looked great! My prep for this event brought me great anxiety, but I am learning how to pace myself and it was not nearly as difficult as last year. I was given the good news that I get to repeat this same procedure next year, given my MUTyh genetic mutation. Let's say I was not quite as excited about this, but I am grateful that I have a medical staff concerned enough about my well-being that they choose to make the right decision instead of the standard, textbook decision. After that test returns clean, I may have the opportunity to wait 2 years before the next procedure. Let's hope for that!

Thank you, Jo, for sharing this with me! Haha!

If you have been tracking, all of my recent tests have come back clean and my blood work is showing numbers in the normal ranges. I feel great, and like I finally have a handle on my diet and supplementation. This has taken far longer than I thought it would, but really it is such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of life. 

I will have a CT scan next year, as well as the colonoscopy / upper endoscopy. I will continue with blood work throughout this coming year, but hopefully we can space it out a little more. I no longer need to follow up with my surgeon! He said he hopes to never see me again (unless I would need surgery) and I agreed. I told him that I would prefer to see him at Disney World, not the operating room! He was pleased with my progress this year and is optimistic about this coming year and long term success. 

 Tomorrow, March 26th, is the 1 year mark from my diagnosis. April 6th is the one year mark from my surgical removal of the tumor. I am ready to celebrate, as I believe that God has used this year, this time of learning, waiting, resting, listening, searching, and suffering to not only change me, but to give me a story to share that can bring light and hope to others. God has put a period on this part (the suffering) of my story.

I will continue to share and be a light for others. I pray that you are also able to suffer well, during your times of suffering, and know that God will see you through. He can use your story for Good! 

May each and every one of you have a blessed Easter, remembering our savior Jesus, and the eternal glory that awaits us.



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