You've Been Patient

I know I dangled a carrot out last time I wrote regarding a big announcement coming soon. Well, you have been patient, and if you are not on social media today is Your Day to hear the big announcement! 😀

My dear friend Chrissy and I have launched a new business called 
'between Two gardens.'

Today is our first Farmer's Market, in Chaska, MN, and we will be selling our gourmet succulent arrangements. Our mission and vision behind this venture is to spread hope and increase joy in our community and world. We both have powerful stories of hope and overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles that we wish to share, in an effort to encourage and spread joy to those in need of it. 

Let's be real - everyone could use some extra joy in their lives and we have all gone through seasons of life where hope was hidden.

You can follow us on 
Instagram (@betweentwogardensmn) 
Facebook (@betweentwogardens)
We will soon have our website up and running:

I am writing this as I wait for my Dr. to enter the room and share my most recent lab results. A year ago I sat in this chair with a little less certainty, and if I'm completely honest, fear. The unknown has a way of gripping our hearts and thoughts, and steering them down unhealthy paths toward fear and doubt. This is not God's desire for us, however, even during trials. He wants us to fully trust Him, especially in our darkest seasons. 

Pause - the Dr. is here -

Okay, Here I am resuming this post three days later. Can I just add that our schedule has been crazy up to this point? I'm SO thankful we have a few evenings opening up with the end of baseball season in sight. It has been fun, yet exhausting! 

My appointment went very well and for the most part my labs looked great! There are a couple of vitamin levels that were low or borderline so I am increasing my intake of those, but otherwise all is well.
During my endoscopy the doctor noted that there were signs of reflux, but he didn't say much about it. I have now been advised to add an antacid drink to my morning routine. While I absolutely value that advice, I am going to use a natural antacid made by Earthley, which has great reviews! These reviews are So good that people have even gotten off of prescription meds while using it. I'll update you after I start using it. In addition to this advice, I was reminded to keep my diet alkaline and avoid some highly acidic foods. I pulled out my Alkaline cookbook tonight and found so many great recipes all over again! I'm looking forward to trying a few new recipes, now that we will be home long enough to cook a meal a few nights each week.

I continue eating salads 🥗 most days for lunch. My garden is growing heaps of lettuce, and the rain we received today will help it take off even more! I love this time of year!! Fresh veggies are always the best, even if it's something as simple as lettuce.
That being said, my neighbors suggested that I write a few different salad recipes in my blog because salads every day can become a little boring. Well, let me tell you that salad does NOT have to be boring! Here are a few ideas: (organic produce is best in a salad)

My Usual Salad: Greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bell pepper, 1/2 avocado cubed, cashews, Primal Italian dressing.

Greek Salad: Spinach (or any greens), Kalmata Olives, Feta, Primal Greek Dressing, (add salmon for extra protein)

Spinach & Beet salad: Baby Spinach, Beets, Feta, Olive Oil drizzle, Lightly pepper

Power Green / Berry Salad:
Power greens (Baby Spinach, Kale, Arugula), Fresh Strawberries, Fresh Blueberries, Fresh Blackberries, Primal Balsamic Vinaigrette, (add Cooked Salmon or smoked Salmon for added protein)

See? SALAD CAN BE FUN! And - salads don't need to be small!! They are full of great vitamins and natural fiber, so make them BIG! :-)

Now we are all caught up. I pray that my journey continues to bring you hope and that maybe you will take a few things away that help in your own health journey. Remember, I am always willing to share what I have learned so feel free to ask questions. I certainly do not have all of the answers but I will attempt to find them. 

Do you need prayer? Hope? Encouragement? If so, or you know of someone else who does, message me. I know that prayer is powerful!

Until next time,

PS This Blogger site is removing the email subscription feature, so this is the final post you will automatically receive if you subscribe. Please feel free to email me personally if you would like to remain on a list that I can manually send out each time I write a new post.


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