Faith Like a Child

School is back in session and fall is in the air again. I am grateful that our kids are back in school full time, in person! All three of them enjoy school, but the girls really, really LOVE IT! The start to our school year has been pretty smooth and I hope it has for those of you with children in school as well. I am changing course with this post, compared to my usual. I do promise to update my health status and so much more another time, but my heart is leaning another direction today. TOBY! Toby is our 10 year old son and he is in 5th grade this year. He is often times described as an outgoing, sweet, kind, thoughtful boy with an intense love for all things dinosaur! He is polite and respectful, and enjoys playing baseball and flag football. This summer, something great grew in Toby. You see, he attended FCA junior sports camp in Waseca and was challenged on the final day of camp to start with the 4 gospels in the Bible and read one chapter a day. This was a challenge that he knew he could tackle, and so he did. However, he did not stop. My heart is so full watching his faith grow every single day as he reads his Bible in the car on our way to and from school. He is so excited to read and learn that he just can't put it down. His passion for the Word of God is absolutely inspiring! He had an impromptu baseball tournament last weekend, and when I mentioned that he would miss church for one of the games his sweet brown eyes welled up with tears. His walk with God is clearly the most important thing to him. I know this is what we hope and pray for as parents, but I never thought it could be so sweet and make my heart so full. A couple of days ago I picked the kids up from school and the first thing Toby was excited to share with me about his day was that he got to talk to a new friend about Jesus. Our children attend a school with a large population of muslim and hindu believers, so even though it may be difficult for many of us to comprehend that right here in America there are people who have never heard of Jesus, it's absolutely true. There are numerous examples in our school alone of children that have never even heard the name of Jesus. Toby is on a mission to tell as many people as possible, so Jesus will return in his lifetime here on Earth. I love that school is his mission field and he's completely unashamed! On the topic of Toby, I also want to add how sweet it is that he cultivates relationships the way he does. Many of his dearest friends are younger or older than him. He does have a few good buddies the same age, but he does not limit his friendships. His heart is the same for everyone alike. If you like dinosaurs, you will likely have a friend for life. My favorite relationship that I have watched develop outside of our immediate family is with my dad. Toby and my dad, A.K.A. Grandpa, have a very special bond. Recently, we purchased a watch for Toby that he is able to make limited phone calls with. An unexpected blessing from this purchase has been the gift of Toby calling Grandpa every day after school, and just before bed to say goodnight. There are few things sweeter in life than watching a bond like that grow. I do not believe we can over-encourage our children to grow in their faith. Immersing them in faith based programs and offering them opportunities to establish a strong relationship with God is the most important work we have as parents. Asking Jesus to be their savior brings comfort and honestly reduces some degree of worry that may otherwise come naturally with parenting. I am grateful for all of my children, and today I highlight Toby. Oh, if we could all have Faith Like a Child!


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