Excited about a new Washing Machine. Does that make me old?

Darek and I are the proud new owners of a LG, he, energy star, *coldwash washing machine! YAY! It will be delivered and hooked up on Tuesday and I am actually excited to use it. (It even has a 'baby wash' setting so it will be perfect for our growing family. I can't help but wonder, however, if that makes me 'old'!! When I was little, I was always so excited to grow up and have a home and family of my own. Now I sometimes wish I could just go back a few years in age and stay there for a while (but still have my family). :-)

Darek and I were out with a large group of his high school friends last night (and their wives) and the topics of conversation consisted of home repairs. Haha! We were all laughing, because those are now the exciting things to discuss in life. I suppose that's better than some un-intelligent conversation that probably take place by people our age who still haven't moved beyond their high school 'glory days'. Still, it was eye-opening!

On another note, I have taken a liking to our Netflix Instant Cue Yoga Mama workout. It's a really nice yoga program specific to pregnant women. I am glad to have a form of exercise I can do in my own home. It's so good for the body and I am hoping that will help prepare my body for the work of labor.

Ok- I just finished my strawberry pancakes and orange juice that I made for breakfast. Delicious - If I do say so myself!

It is now snowing out, again, and we are heading out soon to one of the most 'looked-forward-to' events of the winter, Twins Fest!! GO TWINS We are excited to see our friends, Jeff, Julie & Jaycie there!! Oh, and of course our MN Twins! One step closer to the start of baseball season. (I bought a Twins maternity shirt for this season, so I'm excited to sport that very soon)!

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