Projects: Refreshed & Almost Relieved

As most of you know, we returned from Arizona to a very busy schedule once again. We were blessed with the company of my mom for the long Memorial Day weekend, and my dad for much of the remainder of the week. While we were away Darek's dad was at our house working on some small projects, and waiting for the delivery of some very fun new things.

Hunny was starting to wonder if she was going to live in a house with plywood floors and no living room furniture. We moved our love-seat from the fireplace room into the kitchen in the mean time, and she was quite comfy there. We had to inform her that the love-seat was going to move back into the fireplace room once the carpet was installed. :-)

We are really enjoying our new purchases! The carpet is extremely soft; Soft enough to take a nap on... So, I'm sure our baby will be very happy playing on it. It's funny how the way we make decisions has already started to revolved around what will be best for baby (and Hunny). ;) The furniture is also very comfortable, and we have these neat little ottoman - stools that fit underneath the round coffee table. It's a great way to keep the living room clean and neat, but also a fun and easy way to keep our feet propped up. :-) Jerry is in the process of building a TV stand for us (based on some plans I found online). It will look great with our new furniture. It's a nice feeling to have new, matching furnishings for our home. It is finally feeling put together. (After 7 years of marriage, and nearly 2 years in our house). What can I say? We have been patient. :-)

We also have the final two new windows installed in the front of our house. Praise the Lord! They look great, and it's nice to know that our house is sealed up! My dad is here with us, and graciously offered to power wash, prime, and paint the front of our house. (Thank goodness the power washer didn't push him off the ladder...) The house was in desperate need of a fresh coat (and was in the plans for a June project), but the timing was just perfect to have it completed while my dad was here. THANK YOU, DAD! (He reminded me yesterday that "it's what dad's do" and he was happy to help). Once again, we are SO blessed!

Our final project-before-baby will be completed in the very near future... A new driveway! YAY! Our current blacktop is being replaced with concrete!!! WooHoo!!! It will be a nice, maintenance free slab, and I will be thrilled to get rid of the bumpy, sinking asphalt. Our baby will be happy to draw on it with sidewalk chalk too - when that time comes. :-) (Future thinking) :-)

Aside from the typical yearly 'homeowner' projects, our yard is filling in nicely, and the backyard has finally drained and is mostly dry. (I hear a bonfire calling!) My garden is growing, and the plants look happy. I still have some flowers that I would like to plant, but aside from that all is well.

Now for the Baby update: All is well on the mommy front. I have still been feeling great, and the slight swelling I had while we were in Arizona has almost completely subsided. I haven't had any other issues with fluid retention unless it's a very hot day and I'm not drinking enough water. (Sometimes I don't think it's possible to drink more water, but I do it anyway). :-) My midwife is not concerned, however. I am completing an online childbirth course offered through our hospital. I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to take this course, but figured that it definitely couldn't hurt (considering that this is my first experience with all of this and I really don't think one can be overly prepared for what's to come). It is very comprehensive and I am glad that I signed up for it. The information is available for 90 days from the date of purchase, so I can continue to go back and review it as often as I would like. Very handy if I do say so myself!

Last Saturday I had a wonderful time at my first baby shower with friends and family, hosted by Emily and Suzy (my sister's in law).  They did a fabulous job, and made this a very special event!
My Beautiful niece, Madeline

It was wonderful having so many special people that I don't get to see very often, all in one place. They definitely showered me with many wonderful gifts and their presence. :-)
I was feeling very Loved! THANK YOU to everyone that was able to make the journey. I know it was not convenient for most of you.

Baby 'S' will be set with clothes and new baby things once he makes his entrance to the world. Another HUGE Thank You to my mom for helping me organize the nursery and wash / fold / hang the tiny clothes in order of size. Also, Thank you to Joanna for the adorable Mn Twins theme cupcake toppers!

What a talented and creative decorator she is! (She also makes a mean meatball sandwich!!) :-)

I purchased a few books that have been recommended reading by multiple people. They should arrive today, so I'm excited to get started. (I was advised that reading now is important, because I just may not have time later when I actually need the information.) Here they are:

I am still waiting on our crib, but in the mean time we are prepared with an antique, refinished and re-covered cradle that will be in our bedroom to start with. The pack & play will head to the main floor for a convenient sleeping and changing location. We also moved the swing to our living room, as that seems like a good location for it. We will have our car seat in about a week, as my parents have graciously chosen to purchase it as a gift to us. Again, blessed beyond words. I will feel more prepared once we have these two necessities. I have another shower with some great friends on Monday, and then a couple of small shower gatherings with co-workers.

I am very much looking forward to these fun events, and the wedding of our dear friend, Scotty on July 1st!!
*I know this is a novel, so you should win a prize if you made it this far! :-) I will try to be a bit more consistent so I can avoid the super duper long blog posts in the future.

Happy Weekend!


  1. So glad to hear things are coming into place:)

  2. Steph, I purchased 2 of the same baby sleep books (I didn't get the one you have listed in the middle) and found that "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" was the better of the two (I also had a third book that you don't have listed but I can't remember the title). In my opinion, it had the most information to present, although the tactics they recommend are not for the wishy-washy! The Babywise book was still good to read, for they all have little tidbits that the others don't cover. I started reading them when Collin was around 3-4 months; I'd read while I was nursing and it was very helpful to be "prepared" before the recommended age to begin sleep training. Best of luck in whatever you try!


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