5 Weeks Strong, and growing...

I can hardly believe that Tobiah is already 5 weeks old!! I catch myself thinking of some things we were told about newborns, and then telling myself "he's not a newborn anymore" so that no longer applies. It's a bittersweet process as our little miracle continues to grow and develop. We are SO happy that he is growing into a strong, healthy little boy but we keep reminding him not to grow up too fast!
(Not a 5 week picture, but I love this one and HAD to add it)

What's New:

  • Toby is outgrowing his reflux issues, which means he's doing a much better job keeping his milk down, and has very few extreme gas issues. PRAISE THE LORD!! We purchased a bottle of Colic Calm, which is a homeopathic treatment for gas, reflux and colic. I have only had to use it a handful of times, and lately just once / week (if that). It helps settle his tummy, and get rid of the gas bubbles to relieve the pain. I have heard that a little water will do the same thing, and help move the gas through. I might just try a little water next time and see if that helps just as much. My mom told me that in the beginning, but I was told by our pediatrician not to feed him water as he was already well hydrated... Well, in my ignorance, I wasn't really thinking that a tiny dropper of water is not the same as a bottle of water... Sorry, Mom. I should have tried that sooner. :)
  • Speaking of outgrowing... Toby is outgrowing his newborn sleepers. He still fits into some of the onesies, and for sure the pants, but he is simply too long for the footie sleepers now. I know babies grow fast, but jeepers!!! I'm already starting his box of outgrown clothes for storage.
  • On that same note, I did the whole 'step on the scale and weigh myself, and then hold Tobiah and weigh the two of us' thing to see how much he weighs. My approximate guess based on that (very accurate) method is 10 lbs!! WOAH! What happened to that little peanut? He's still a peanut, but a heavier peanut than he used to be. I can really tell when I'm toting him around in the car seat. That thing is so cumbersome and weighty by itself. I was really feeling it in my back the other day when we had a lot of in and out of the car going on. Can someone please invent an easy car seat to buckle the babies into so I can just take him in and out, and not the entire contraption?? (You would be an instant millionaire). I mean, if cars can now park themselves and close their own doors, why can't car seats buckle and unbuckle themselves? :-)
  • Finally, I have achieved the small milestone of fitting back into my pre-pregnancy jeans!! YAY! I must attribute some of that to the SHRINKX Hip belt that Emily gave me for a shower gift. I wear it a few times a week, and it has really helped my hips move back into place. Ok, so there are still a couple of pairs that are a bit snug, but at least I know it's promising that some of them fit already. I have also lost most of my 'baby weight' but I still have about 7 lbs to go. I am not quite allowed to work out yet, but my abs are coming back together so I can most likely start doing a few crunches or sit-up's soon. It sure does feel great being able to wear my old clothes again!
Today is my final day of maternity leave. I am SO VERY THANKFUL that I was able to take 6 weeks to spend with my little sweetheart! Yes, I would have loved to be home longer, but unfortunately that just wasn't in the cards for us. I will start back to work on Tuesday, but my schedule will be a bit easier than before. I will work 3 days/week in the office, so hopefully it won't be too difficult to leave our little bundle behind. Also, it's very reassuring that Grandpa Dana will be watching him while we are at work. We won't have to leave the house, or worry about using a daycare center (not that there is anything wrong with that). Most of all, we know he will be loved while we are not with him, and that's the best feeling possible when we have to leave our little Tobiah. I hope to stay home with him in the very near future, but until that time comes, he is in great hands! (Now, to get grandma K-K {like your new nickname, mom?} to come visit a lot...)
We have the privilege of having Darek's family all very close as well, so we are in no lack of grandparents or auntie & uncle babysitters. We do have a few other babysitter offers from trusted friends as well, so I am feeling very blessed on that front.

Signing off! Happy Friday and enjoy the Great MN Get-Together for all who have yet to go! :-) Hopefully we will have a post-fair update for you soon!



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