
If you have seen the most recent Subway commercial, you will know exactly what AnyTober means. If you haven't seen it, you will want to watch for it now...
In the Schwarz home it has become a fun, new nickname for our favorite little guy. :-)
Our little AnyTober is still growing by leaps and bounds, and continues to amaze us daily. He smiles and talks a LOT now! He is very responsive to sounds and will look at people when they are talking to him. He is starting to do a lot more tummy time, as I recently discovered that we were not doing it nearly often enough. I might be a little over-mothering on that, but I want him to develop into a very strong, healthy boy, and I know that tummy time is a very very very important step in that process.

Tonight we spent a little extra time on the Boppy pillow, and then on the new blanket that Grandma Margie quilted for him. He was NOT happy with this mama, but I know it was important for him to work on his core strength. I have been instructed that at this point, the only time he really needs to be laying on his back is when he is asleep. Otherwise, he can be sitting up or laying on his tummy. He does a great job with sitting, but cannot hold himself up quite yet. He is still a little too small for that. We have a fun, red chair that we like to put him in, and he really seems to enjoy it. Here is our first family picture with Toby sitting up on his own. ;)

That's a wrap for now.



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