Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

This is exactly what Tobiah has been up to lately! Rolling around. He can go from front to back very easily, and from back to front with a little more effort. He appreciates knowing how to roll onto his back, as tummy time is really not his favorite thing. He is getting better, though, and will stay on his tummy without crying for decent lengths of time. It's been a lot of fun watching him learn and grow!

Tobiah is now 3 months old!! He is growing up so fast that we are just trying to make sure we take it all in. It's hard to remember what life was like before we had our perfect little addition. We are filled with joy every single day when we look at him and watch him discover new things. On Toby's 3 month birthday he discovered his hands. He would hold them out and stare at them, and turn them. Now he will still stare at them and open and close his hands. It's SO cute!! He has also discovered that he can use them to put things (fingers and toys) into his mouth for a good chew. :-) He has been having a lot of fun with that, and as always is able to entertain himself for many periods of time.

He is a very good sleeper and usually eats right on schedule (every 3 hours). Sometimes that does vary during the occasional growth spurt, but usually he is like 'clockwork'.

Toby is long and lean, and is having trouble fitting into his footie pajamas due to his length. His little feet are also long, so they don't fit into the foot part. We are going to graduate into 3/6 month jammies just so he fits in length. Otherwise he is just perfect in his 3 month outfits.

The weather is turning pretty cold here and the leaves are almost all gone from the trees. A HUGE thank to Grandpa Dana (and Toby) for raking up the leaves and hauling them away. I must admit that it's nice having that extra help around the yard. It's definitely a bit more challenging to always schedule our home maintenance into our days now, when we used to just do what needed to be done whenever we wanted. It all works out, though, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Toby loves his time with his grandpa, and we can tell that he is not only being loved on but he is learning a LOT every day. We are thankful every single day that he is in great hands. He was also really excited to spend a long weekend with his Grandma K-K while we were in Kentucky at a business function. His cousin, Zeke was here as well as Jaxon Bear. They kept Grandpa and Grandma busy the entire time, and I know Grandma was exhausted, but we sure did appreciate it. Maybe as the boys get older, babysitting will become a bit easier... ;)

I LOVE being a mother! Tobiah amazes me daily. He is currently talking up a storm while I write this blog post. I think he is trying to contribute his two cents. :-)

Toby has stolen our hearts and the lime light, but here is a quick snip-it into my personal life... A LOT of my friends have recently had or are going to have babies soon! It's such a blessing to have best friends for Toby that are raised by people we love and respect. We are excited for them to all grow up together in Christian homes with Christian friends that will speak positive and encouraging truths into each others' lives.

Starting on Monday, I will officially take over all aspects of the billing for the Physical Therapy office that I work at. SO, my life will temporarily become a little more busy while I learn and become efficient doing those aspects of my job. I am excited to finally have this opportunity. I know it will be a win-win situation for my bosses and for me personally. This has been a long time coming, and I am looking forward to the change. I am now officially the Office Manager / Billing Specialist which pretty much means I do it all. I'm blessed to have this opportunity, which allows me to work from home part time so I am only in the office 3 days/week.

Praise God for the good and perfect gifts in my life!
Remember - Daylight savings time ends next Sunday! Set your clocks back 1 hour (except you, Mom). :-)

Lovin Life,


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