Houston - We Have a Tooth

You guessed it!! 
Tobiah's first tooth is breaking through! 

This presents some very interesting thoughts and questions. I wonder if he will have a few teeth come through right away, and then wait a little bit before the next ones make their appearance. I wonder if they will continue to continuously pop through. I wonder how he will respond. I am praying that he will have little to no pain and that he will not have a bothersome fever. He is such a happy baby that I do not want his teeth to alter his fun-loving personality.

He is growing and changing so quickly that it's almost hard to keep up. I am diligently working on documenting every part of his first year that I can.

This past month has been a lot of fun! Tobiah is growing into his personality and becoming more and more fun every day. He is sitting up most of the time, and is almost able to sit unassisted. He LOVES jumping in his jumper chair! The seat turns around so he can look out the window or anywhere in the room so he is never bored. :-) He also loves scooting around the kitchen and dining room in his walker. He is just tall enough to reach the floor, and look out if he has shoes on. He can really move in the walker.
Toby is also trying very hard to roll from back to tummy, and get his tushy in the air like he wants to crawl. This prompted me to put the outlet plugs in our exposed outlets.

Speaking of outlets, my dad changed out all of our old outlets and cover plates, and also put some new light switches in our living and dining room. He put new lights on the front of our garage, and also replaced a few floor vents in our living room and fireplace room. He has been busy with projects; helping us upgrade some basic things in our home. It's nice having these tasks complete. Thanks, Dad!

Toby opening his stocking
Back to the Tobiah update:
We have been feeding him rice cereal in his bottles during the day to help keep the food down in his tummy. His reflux is nearly non-existent due to this change. I'm thankful for that tip. It has been a bit of a change and challenge for me to keep up with pumping, bottles, dishes, etc. but it's all worth it.
Last week we entered the world of cereal in a bowl. Toby eats one meal each day with a bowl of rice cereal. He seems to enjoy it, and definitely has a messy time eating! Next week we will look at starting him on some other 'solid' foods. I'm planning to start him on Avocado next. We will see how he likes that.

Toby has also started forming many different sounds. I am enjoying watching him shape his mouth to form words and carry on conversations.He makes the sounds of mama and dada (along with many others). He is a chatterbox!!

Uncle Mark loving Hunny while I feed Toby
Christmas was wonderful with a lot of family here. We were missing my mom, as she was in California with Ricky & Soraya. Hopefully next year we can plan a holiday trip to AZ with Dad & Mom.

Ok - that's the update for now. The dryer just buzzed... Duty calls...

So Blessed!



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