Yankees, Brooklyn Bridge & Pizza

Saturday turned out to be a fantastic day, despite the Twins loss. This day was particularly devoted to the Yankee's / Twins game, and anything that had time to follow. Here is the day in a big nutshell. :)

9:30 - Breakfast at the Cranberry Cafe' again. It's such a great place, and I really love how close it is to the hotel. I guess you can't get much closer to 'next door'.

Once we were finished eating, we headed to Grand Central Station to catch the #4 bus to the Bronx - Yankee Stadium. We were really proud of ourselves for knowing where we were going and how to get through the station with our 7 day unlimited ride passes. We were starting to feel like 'regulars'. Haha! That being said, we waited for our train for about 15 minutes, only to learn that our train was not coming. That track was closed for weekend maintenance, so we were switched to another train that was running the #4 route. We had a great ride to the stadium, and we talked to Twins fans from St. Cloud and a Yankees fan from FL (who currently lives in NYC). We had high hopes going into this game. Once we got to the ballpark, we headed through the security checks (be prepared to show your cell phone, as there are people bringing flasks into the park that look like a cell phone. Strange I know!).
We started out by exploring the ballpark and decided to watch as the Twins took Batting Practice. We stood against the wall down the 3rd base line, and after a while were able to get the attention of Delmon Young. He was very nice, and threw a ball our direction. Of course Darek caught it, so that was REALLY fun!! We were all really happy and excited about it.

We walked around for a while and found some delicious food. Wholly Guacamole had a stand that we ordered super nachos from. They were pretty much amazing!! Darek had a foot long hot dog, which I'm sure he really enjoyed.

We found our seats in section 234, near the bleachers in left field. They were nice seats under the overhang, so we didn't get sun burned. YES! The game did not go as planned. We lost 7-1 (including a stellar outing by Jesse Crain). Oh well. It was still fun to go have this experience. We took the subway back to our hotel and nobody even got stabbed. Subway Success!

Once we got changed into some decent evening clothes we headed back out on the town. This time we took the train to the Brooklyn Bridge. We walked across the bridge and took a million and one pictures along the way. LuAnn almost got ran over by a car in the bike lane. LOL! I really mean a bike, but it could have been a car based on the speed at which it was travelling. Funny Stuff!! We attempted to eat at Grimaldi's, but the line was so long we wouldn't have made it in before they closed. SO... we ate at the place around the corner. Don't remember the name other than 'The Pizza'. Haha! It was yummy, but an interesting experience all around. We sat 6 people at a 4 person table. Funny to start with, and then our server couldn't remember how many of us there were to bring the waters out for. She had a rough night. We started ordering only to find out that one of the 3 types of dough was all sold out.... So, we ordered two of the same. Then we got our drinks in cute glass pop bottles. (That was fun, and we kept the bottles as a little momento). Our pizza came out, but one of them wasn't really ours. So, our server took it back and found our correct pizza. So silly. We had NO room on our table to eat and my plate was teetering over the edge. Funny! It was delicious, however!! By the time we were done eating, our server had not been back to our table one time to check on us. She brought the bill, but did not charge us for the drinks or for the 20% gratuity that is supposed to be automatically included. She knew it was a bit of a disaster. It was still delicious and we would still go back despite the poor service. Oh, Brooklyn... I Heart You!

Pizza was gone in 9.2 seconds, and we headed to the Brooklyn Bridge Creamery for an ice cream treat. YUMMY! It was just what we needed to top off the evening. The line was out the door, even at 10:45 at night. Crazy!

Once we finished that, we made the trek back across the bridge, and back to the subway. Let me just say that the crowd on the subway at that time of night on a Saturday is very different from the day-time crowd. A little shadier and drunker. We were entertained to say the least. Again, we made it back safely.

Last stop of the night - the local pharmacy. We needed to buy some blister pads for our tired walking feet. So silly, but at least we won't be limping along with flat tires as we head through Little Italy and SoHo tomorrow. :-)

Darek is sleeping, so I'm going to do the same. G'Night from the Big Apple!



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