...With Flying Colors

Last week was my 28 week appointment and it also happened to be my turn for the glucose tolerance test. YAY for me! My clinic requires every pregnant woman to take a 1 hour test as a standard protocol now, so it was nothing to be worried about. I had my option of the high fructose syrup flavors to choose from, and I chose lemon-lime. It was actually refreshing and not disgusting at all. I know some people have had some pretty awful opinions regarding that drink, but I honestly did not mind it at all. I drank it down and headed to my appointment which was exactly 1 hour later. The nice thing about this appointment is that they have to be on time in order to record accurate test results. A quick finger prick and all was well. I PASSED! PSHEW! I was not worried because I keep a fairly 'normal' diet and when I do indulge in high sugar foods, I indulge in moderation. I still haven't eaten a 'single serve' ice cream (pint) all in one sitting. It usually takes 4 or 5 for me to finish, which is the recommended serving amount, I believe. I usually stick to the recommendations, because not only do I want to stay healthy during this pregnancy, but I want our baby to be health as well.

My weight was right on track. I am at 28 weeks and have gained 20 lbs. so far and my BMI is 23. I am measuring right on for my due date, and the baby is in a good, head down position. (Well, at least he was for this appointment.) The Nurse Practitioner that I saw said that he could still flip around a bit because he is small and has room, but eventually he will stay in one position. She said at my next appointment he should be in a position that he will stay in. This baby has always been pretty low, so I definitely have gotten used to visiting public restrooms. I keep extra hand sanitizer in my purse just in case the restroom is frightening. (Many are!!)

This little baby has been very active lately. He kicks, pushes, and rolls around frequently. Darek finally felt him moving yesterday. I think he has been a little nervous about touching my belly or something, and this is honestly the first time he has been patient enough to let the baby kick him. It was pretty cute! It may never happen again, but I'm glad that he at least got to have this one experience.

The only glitch in our visit was that my hemoglobin was a little low. Nothing too worrisome, but I have to increase my iron intake. I already supplement my iron (which I have for as long as I can remember, due to having borderline low iron my whole life). Now I get to increase that, and for those of you who know the joys of pregnancy, this is not a fun time in life to increase iron intake. :-p 

No crazy cravings yet, but I did get a little emotionally attached to the Godiva Chocolate bunny from Target. I almost cried when I thought they were sold out and I didn't have one yet... (pathetic, I know) Yes, I have one now, and his ears and head have mysteriously disappeared. ;) (It's the little things sometimes that bring so much joy!!) :-)

 I am really feeling the need to nest now. I cannot stand having a cluttered house, and I REALLY want to get my nursery set up! Last night I put together the changing table! It's quite adorable, and I feel like I've accomplished something - however it's still being stored in our guest room... in the middle of the room... AHHH! I have some of the clothes and toys that we have purchased or have been given to us as gifts on the shelves beneath the changing table. It's pretty fun.

I apologize once again for not attaching any pictures to this post, but unfortunately we left our camera in Waseca yesterday and will not have it back until Tuesday night. That, AND our Mediacom is still winning negative points with the slowest internet speed known to mankind! So, I will be uploading pictures as soon as I have the opportunity with our memory card and internet service working together. ;)

Until then, I hope you enjoyed this long-winded update. (I still feel like there is more to share, but it will wait until a later date).

I hope you all had a blessed Easter!


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