Showers; Not the kind that rain on you

Where do I begin to catch up on my recent lack of blogging? May is always a busy month for us, and this May has been no exception.

Here is the brief list of events (that I can recall at the moment):
May 2 - Darek's Birthday
May 8 - Mother's Day
May 15 - Smith family combined baby shower for Emily and I
May 17 - My birthday
May 19 - 25 - Vacation to Arizona
May 22 - Darek & My 7th Anniversary
7th Wedding Anniversary - 32 Weeks pregnant
May 28 - (Today) My family & friends baby shower
May 30 - Memorial Day (always including some sort of fun gathering of friends, etc.)

So, needless to say, we have had a lot going on so far this month... And I LOVE it!! This is my favorite time of the year, despite the particularly disgusting weather we have had up to this point.

Being in Arizona for a week was a wonderful reprieve from the rain, storms, and general lack of sun. I thoroughly enjoyed being in the sun for 6 full days! We had a fantastic time visiting my parents and attending a couple of Twins games. Darek surprised me for our anniversary with tickets 2 rows behind the Twins duggout!!!!!!!!! It was not the best game for the Twins, but we still had a wonderful time (and took a load of great pictures)! My parents surprised us with some wonderful birthday gifts, and quite a load of baby supplies for our upcoming bundle of joy. :-) We are SO grateful!

Rewind a little bit... Before we left for vacation, I mentioned that Emily's family threw a baby shower for the two of us at Lois Stevens' home. It was a great day for a shower, and we were both blessed with many wonderful gifts. It's fun receiving things for the baby that we will need in the near future. Everything is becoming more and more real!

Amongst all of these fun events, I have been attending my bi-weekly appointments with the Midwife group at my clinic and everything is right on track. Our little baby has been very active lately. I am still trying to determine if I can differentiate whether I am being kicked by a foot, or have an elbow or knee trying to escape through my side. Haha! He is definitely stretching and growing. We still have not agreed on a name, so right now he is lovingly referred to as 'Baby', just as our four-legged friend is often times called 'Beagle.' I know we will decide on something more creative (and normal) by the time he is born, though.
Baby gets the hiccups at least once daily. I'm not sure if that means it will continue after he is born too, or if it is just a phase. It definitely depends on what I'm eating or drinking. If I want to feel some action in there, I just need a little juice or something sugary and he gets right back to kicking, rolling and stretching.
I have been experiencing braxton hicks contractions for about a month now, on and off. My midwife told me to make sure I am taking in a lot of water, and if they become as frequent as 4 or more in an hour, to put my feet up and rest for a while to make sure they stop.
My first experience with major ankle swelling started when we were in Arizona. I don't think they liked the heat and all of the walking we did. I am still recovering from this. It's difficult for me to sit and put my feet up because if you know my personality at all, I am a 'doer' of things. I like to have things in order and projects completed. I struggle to know that there might be a task needing completion, and here I am sitting around. I try to make this time productive either by reading or just resting to help my body and baby.

I could probably go on and on with details about this month and my current status, but there are things to do. I have a shower to get ready for now! :-) My Mom flew in for the weekend, and my Dad is driving up with his 'Beverly Hillbillies' load of stuff to drop off at various locations. :-)I cannot wait to see more of my friends and family!! :-)

Off to a Twins game tonight (hoping for a 'W'),


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