And We Wait

Here we are! July 18th - Baby Schwarz's due date. I am certain he is well prepared for this day, and once again we wait, and hope that today will be the day. I'm would love to call Darek today and say "IT's TIME!" 

I picked my mom up from the airport Saturday night, as she is here to help out for a couple of weeks. I'm so glad she's here, but really wishing the baby would also arrive very soon so she can make the most of her time spent with us. We did have a very nice mother-daughter bonding day yesterday. Of course that included pedicures, lunch and a little (grocery) shopping. She baked one of her homemade pizza's for supper and we had a very relaxing day and evening. (Despite the 110 heat index).

On a semi-random note - our A/C stopped working Friday night, and it was getting really warm in the house. So, thankfully our amazing neighbor, Dave, (who works with heating and A/C) was willing and happy to come over and fix it up for us. He is really SO generous with his time and has done this for us before. We know we will need a new unit next year, but he's going to help us nurse it along through this summer so we don't have to make that large purchase right away. How generous!!! I will be baking some cookies for their family today. :-)

Back to the baby topic....
I had a good friend, Jessica, send me a really sweet message last night that served as a great reminder... She has three children already and her fourth on the way next month. Her oldest daughter told her that the baby will come when God whispers to him (or her - in their case). :-) That really melted my heart, and I almost cried reading it. Sometimes kids have the wise advice when we, adults are looking for the logical answers. Thank you so much for sharing that, Jess!!

Now, I am waiting and praying that today will be the day that God whispers to this baby... "It's your time"... :-)

Excited to share a picture of our new baby with my next post! ;)


  1. When God Whispers his name he will come. Did you share the name with God yet so he can do His part. Lol... Today we plan to walk. We will walk through the frozen foods and air conditioned malls as the heat index is supposed to reach 130 today. Grandma might even be interested in walk in coolers. Lol... Baby S we want you here but we want you here safe and sound. We will do the walking and your job is to find the door. We love you and look forward to meeting you face to face. People think I am a little nuts talking to your moms belly. See you soon!!! Love, Grandma Ford


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