Wedding & Holiday & Baby Update, Oh My...

The most recent and very fun event of the summer consisted of the Long Awaited, and Much Anticipated wedding of Dani Carlson to Scotty Draheim! We were very blessed to be part of this event, and are SO happy for the newlyweds! It was a perfect day for a wedding.

Darek sporting his Tux w/ Converse Shoes

A little mustache action for Baby...
In case you wondered what I would look like with a mustache....

Dani & the Guys

Waseca Guys Reunite!

Mr. & Mrs. Draheim's 1st Dance

Next came the 4th of July! Happy Independence Day, America!! I am truly grateful for all of the men and women that serve in our armed forces to keep us safe and free. Thank you to all who serve, and all of the family members of those serving. I know I don't express that often enough, but I appreciate the sacrifices you make so that we can live in a free country! May God Bless each one of you, and God Bless America!

Now for the baby update. Well, we are still here... baby in belly! :-) I have been feeling great, but I must admit that I am ready for this baby to come any time now. Darek and I have everything on the home front as ready as it can get (I think) so we are just waiting in anxious anticipation for what's to come. We have our car seats installed in the cars, video baby monitor all set up, and the cradle ready in our bedroom for his arrival. Almost all of the clothes are washed and put away according to size (minus the few that we continue to receive as gifts along the way). We also completed our purchasing of items that were still on our registry, but that we knew we would be needing shortly after the arrival of this baby.
I had an appointment with one of the midwives today and received good news on my strep B results. Negative!! That's good news to me, because I am hoping to go through this process without an IV, and that's the first step. She checked me and I will spare you the details, but the good news is that things are progressing as they should be. It could be any day now, or in a few weeks... but my body is doing a great job preparing! I had a little talk with God, my baby & body so I believe that we are all in agreement that this birth can take place any time now. :-)


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