Prodromal Labor - and we continue to wait...

I have been asked SO many times recently "So... any news on the baby?" or "Do you have an update for us?" or "What's the status?"

The current answer is: No, we have not had our baby yet. We promise to let all of our caring friends and family know just as soon as we do, though. Trust me, I would LOVE to be able to share that good news ASAP, but until the timing is right we will wait.

I figured maybe I can cure some of your curiosity with what has been taking place. As I wrote about recently, I have been experiencing symptoms of 'false labor.' Apparently, the true term for what has been taking place is Prodromal Labor. <- Click there if you would like to read about it. It's very frustrating, but on the bright side of things my body should be very well prepared for true labor (when that time comes).

At my appointment last week, my midwife was very encouraging, and told me that everything is moving along nicely, the baby is in a great position, and I should be blessed with a fast, 'easy' (she didn't use that particular word) labor. I am well aware that labor is very different for everyone, and that 'easy' is probably not the best term to use, but I will say that at least it gives me something to look forward to. I know there will be a lot of hard work involved, but all things considered, I'm okay going through this pre-labor phase to have the blessings we will receive once it is all finished.

My final pregnancy picture (taken today):
There is a whole LOT of baby going on there...

41 Weeks
(Maybe it's not the greatest picture but you get the point).

Until we have some fabulously, wonderful news to share,


  1. awe:) cute belly! my last baby was 8 days overdue... it is so hard to wait!!! you notice every little thing your body does, wondering "is it time yet?" good luck! ~Cheri


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