Faith - It does not make things easy...

For those who have been following along my journey thus far, you may be asking yourself how I am really doing and what I am doing?

First, I am doing well. I am healing and every day I believe that God is healing my body and allowing me an opportunity to be a shining example for His glory! I am healed and redeemed of the Lord! There are moments when I feel tired, but it's in those times that I allow myself to rest. I know this is a journey, and I feel better and better each day. I will be perfectly honest and tell you that there are moments when doubts and fears creep up on me, and it is not always easy to fight them. Every morning when I wake up, I praise God for another day! I am reminded every morning (ugh) of the cancer that manifested in my body and I have to arm myself once again for the battle that tries to rage in my mind for my health and mental well-being. I know the truth and I continue to recall John 8:32 - "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

I HATE cancer! I HATE that I had cancer! I would like to wake up one day and realize that it was only a really bad dream and not my reality, but I know that is not how this works. I also realize that I am not alone in this. I am not the only one fighting physical or mental battles, and I am learning how to fight my battles. I fight them with God's word!

Sometimes I feel like I have this neon sign hanging over me that says: cancer girl! It's as if I walk into a room and people don't know what to say or what to ask, and it's awkward. I am okay with the awkward, though. Please know that talking about it helps me heal and reveals the truths that have taken root in my life. Also know that I have not changed. I can talk - A Lot! :-) Haha! 

I have been blessed through this process by so many people, and in ways I never imagined. I have received letters, gifts, flowers, gift cards and meals from friends whom I have not been in contact with for decades and from people whom I have never even met! I am humbled by the outpouring of love and support. I cannot express what that means to me and my family, and how it truly heals my heart! I have received flower deliveries since March, allowing us to enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers continuously this spring. I didn't know how much that would boost my spirit, but it really has! Through the support of many, I have learned what it is to be loved. I have seen humanity's goodness in action. Our world has had some very turbulent experiences recently, and through it all humanity's goodness still shows up! I thank God for each and every prayer, gift, and word of support and encouragement.

Second, I have radically changed my diet. I believe that our bodies will remain in good health if we put good things into them. I also believe that our bodies are able to heal, even from cancer. That being said, you will not find me eating a burger or fast food any longer. I will not condemn you if you do, though. I am not saying that everyone needs a radical diet change, but I have learned a great deal about healthy eating, anti-inflammatory diets and the importance of gut health. I will likely share more on these topics soon, as I find them fascinating. I used to be the person that would make joking remarks about "crunchy" moms and people who chose not to eat meat. (Palm on Face) I have not fallen off the deep end, however my diet is primarily vegan, dairy, and sugar free. (Okay, maybe that is off the deep end. But it's working.) It is not easy, but if this is the best way to heal my body, I will do it! So... Here I Go! Follow my journey or join me. I will support you if you do, and I will not condemn you if you don't.

FAITH - It Does Not Make Things Easy, It Makes Them POSSIBLE!

Keep fighting,


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