Finding Joy in Unexpected Places

It is hard to believe we are already in the middle of June! Summer is technically not here yet, but as I watch my clothes sway in the breeze outside, all I can think is, "Slow Down, Summer!" I have had the opportunity to hang clothes out more often this season alone than I have cumulative since having a clothes line! That makes for a glorious spring (summer) in my opinion. :-)

As I was pinning clothes on the line this morning I was feeling quite content and filled with joy. Then I remembered a time this past winter, just before Christmas, when my family was dealing with some challenging life circumstances. It was a time when there was much uncertainty regarding the future, mixed with sadness for memories lost. In the fall of 2018 my father was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. This is a disease that affects the brain and neurological system, similar to Alzheimer's, but the symptoms come and go and change, making it difficult to navigate. (If you are interested in the details, click the blue link above.)

My husband, Darek, and I lead a small group in our home once a week. We love having a group of people to do life with and support one another. Our small group has grown and evolved over the years, but we always trust that God has each person with us during the season they need to be with us. We challenge each other in our faith and help each other grow in our understanding of the Bible and how it relates to our present circumstances. One evening as we were wrapping up our lesson we were discussing the Christmas season and how it can be a season of so much joy mixed with much sorrow for things and people lost in our lives. While my earthly father is still living and seemingly very able, it is also a sad time knowing that the memories we make, he may not remember. One of the people in our small group said, "I will be praying for you during this season, that you would find JOY in unexpected places."

Joy - in unexpected places!

That phrase stuck with me, and I think of it often as I am not only finding joy in the unexpected places, but consciously telling myself that THIS is the moment of joy I needed for today (whatever it may be each day.) Let's be intentional in finding joy, until it becomes second nature. 

Here are a few ways that I find Joy in unexpected places:

Date nights with my husband
Spending time with my parents
Bird songs in the early morning before sunrise (before I really want to be awake ;))
Warm weather (when that happens in Minnesota)
Road Trips
Cool nights around the bonfire
Sounds of playing and laughter from my children
Talking to long time friends on the phone
Eating fresh strawberries from our garden
Harvesting other homegrown veggies
Witnessing my children learn and grow
Completing a large project
Cleaning the house (Yes, I enjoy cleaning)
Completing a great book
Book club meetings with friends
Hosting friend gatherings
Talking to neighbors outside
Volunteering for local charities
Movie nights with my family
Stargazing / Moon-gazing
Watching my youngest daughter squeal with glee every time she sees our neighbor GJ outside.
Cooking or baking delicious food from scratch
Sharing my story and the gift of God's sovereignty
Reconnecting with people / meeting new people
Growing in my Faith walk
Hanging laundry out to dry on the clothesline

My list could go on and on! I encourage you, no matter the season you are in, to FIND Joy in unexpected places. I am incredibly grateful for those simple words spoken over my life last Christmas. Life will present us with challenges, and it is up to us and only us to change our perspective if necessary and find Joy within the challenge. Joy helps you feel better, live longer, and love more.

Find Joy / Choose Joy,



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