Babies are Beautiful

I guess I have reached that point in my life where many (if not most) of my friends are starting their families. I always had this idea that I would begin my motherhood journey at the age of 22, but that has come and is now Long gone (despite the fact that Darek and I were married at the age of 22.) I really don't know why that age was in my head, but for some reason it was, and that is where I began my desire for motherhood. We were the first of our friends to take that step in marriage, but are taking our time on the baby step. :-)
I must say that I LOVE kids, hence the reason I chose Child Psychology as my major in college, and babysat as much as I did during junior high and high school. I definitely have that 'itch', but I think the timing will be right when Darek and I have that 'itch' together.

All of that is the pre-cursor to my bragging about the babies and children that I currently have the privilege to love on.
First, I will begin by mentioning my 3 nephews and 1 niece. Collin is now 6 years old and was born on July 4. What a great party he will have each year, ending the evening with fireworks!! :-) He is a little firecracker with his red hair and never-ending energy. Tyler is 4, but will be 5 on October 4th. He is the Blondie of the family, and is quite the little comedian. Always being goofy and testing the boundaries. Evan is 3, and will be 4 on October 4th. This year he gets to celebrate his golden birthday! He is quite the little charmer - a little reserved at first, but his smile will melt your heart! Last, but certainly not least, is Madeline. She is 3 (just turned in August) and will let you know that she is may be the youngest, but she can hold her own against her brothers. She is the princess of the family, for sure!!

Now, for the babies...
My dear friends Julie and Laura both had babies within the past week and a half.

Little Jack Davis Turner was born to Laura and David on 9/2/09. He is certainly a peanut, weighing somewhere between 5-6 lbs.
Jaycie Ann Eaton was born to Julie and Jeff on 9/9/09. Not only was this a fun day to have a birthday (will be very easy to remember), but it was also Jeff's birthday! What a wonderful gift!! She is such a darling baby girl!

I love being an auntie!

Someday we will add to this crew. Until then, visiting and babysitting are A-OKAY with me. :-)

Until next time~


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