Good Grief!

Pardon the pun, but I had to choose a title that would bring some humor to the day. I now wonder, is it ever easy to grieve?

My Grandpa Ford (Dad's dad) passed away on Friday night. Yes, he was in a nursing home, and yes he has been struggling with his health for a while, but does that mean it's supposed to be easier when the news of his death comes? Does that mean that there is no need to grieve this loss of a life? Should we just continue about our ways with no thought or need for peace or condolence? Should we write off a life once they forget who we are? Should we grieve at that point, and stop caring waiting for the inevitable to happen? It seems that this world can be so cold sometimes, and there is little regard for the subtle suffering of survivors. Do I know that he is "in a better place?" No, I don't. Maybe that's why this time is a little more difficult than other times. Maybe it is because I place such a high value on life that this does not digest as easily for me as for others. My thought is that life is life, and people have value even when they no longer remember my name, or recognize my face. May I never discount the feelings of others when they are dealing with a loss.

(I am not angry - just a little sad)

My grandpa was a very strong man, with a lot of hurt and anger in his life. To be perfectly honest, I was afraid of him until I was in middle school - when he sobered up. He was violent and difficult to love, but through it all I believe I was pretty resilient and able to learn to love him as any child should love their grandpa. I certainly don't harbor any anger or bitterness toward him, and am proud of him for serving in the great United States Navy. I am proud of the love that he showed for my grandma in her final days here on earth. I am honored to possess and wear his Pea Coat with pride! I remember my grandpa as a painter, and a hard worker. I am certain that my own father learned his work ethic from my grandpa. It's best to learn from the difficult or 'bad' times and remember the fun and good times.

I was sitting at a traffic light on Friday (while it was red) and it was as if life was happening, while I was pondering, thinking, reflecting, daydreaming. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it, but the little things just don't seem to matter as much when you start to reflect on life, family and how precious each day really is. Maybe it's just that I'm getting older, and beginning to understand the value and impact that each person has on the world, and how the way we live our lives can leave a lasting impression on people. I was thinking how hard this must be for my own father, loosing his father (having lost his mother 14 or so years ago) and being home alone for the weekend. It was not intentional that things worked out this way, but it's just the way it happened. Maybe it gave him time to grieve in peace and solace.

Sometimes I just don't want to be strong...

Then, I read this in my daily devotion this morning:

"So, when the pressures of life seem unbearable, have faith in God. He loves you. He sent His Son to die for you. He raised Him from the dead so you could have eternal life with Him. He will never leave you. If it seems like God is not with you, remember this. God is not the one who moved."

And through it all I know that ultimately God will heal our hearts, and bring joy to our lives!! Thank you God for the peace that passes all understanding!

~Until Next Time


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