A little slice of life

Yes, I am finally entering into the realm of blogging. Initially I was not overly keen on the idea of posting my personal thoughts or feelings on a website, allowing myself to be a bit vulnerable to the opinions of others, but have recently realized my passion for writing. I enjoy journaling, but find that I do not give myself the time necessary to sit and write on a regular basis. SO... I thought I would give this a try, considering that I sit at a computer during a large portion of my days - and tend to have some periodic downtime. (wink, wink)

Now that I have justified my desire to blog, let's delve into my little slice of life...

I have been married for almost 5 and a half fantastic years to the love of my life, Darek. (May 22, 2004.) Many couples speak of the up's and down's of married life, particularly in the first years, but I do not feel that we have had that rollercoaster experience. We dated for nearly 4 years before we were married, and knew each other well enough to know that we wanted to spend the rest our lives together! (Thank goodness, or marriage would have been a terrible idea!! :-) ) Darek and I spend a lot of our time together (even commuting to and from work together when it's not really on our way.) Why get married if you would rather spend your time elsewhere? That being said, maybe we both have personalities that allow for patience and quick forgiveness. I know that major keys to our success as a married couple have been the mentors we surround ourselves with, the books we read, and the desire to unconditionally love - as Christ loves us.

I will say that I am not an expert on marriage and relationships, however I know that with persistent effort in this area, I can be a great friend to others and loving friend, respectful wife, etc. to my incredible husband! It is only fair that we give each other room to be ourselves. I truly believe that empathy is key to successful relationships. Until you have been in someone else's shoes, you cannot fully understand their situation. Try it - you will surely agree, and may even begin viewing life in an entirely different light.

Ok, to complete this post, I will unveil some of my current facts:
I am a Bible believing follower of Jesus (Christian)
I strive to be a helpmeet to my husband
It is my heart's desire to have children and stay home to raise them
My current child is a 3 yr. old Beagle named Hunny :-)
I love my friends and family dearly
I miss my parents all of the time (they live in Phoenix) and love visiting them
I tend to live up to the Miss Fix-It title so lovingly given to me by friends(I am fairly handy.)

I love my little slice of life on this HUGE planet, and although my slice is small, I hope to make a noticable difference in this world.

Signing Off for now...


  1. U r cute! I was just thinking of starting a blog too, that's so fun that u did! I love reading other people's blogs, but I had the same feelings as you, maybe it's my sign that I too should blog! LOL! We will see I guess! I too love to journal, it makes me feel so much better after I have done it, but I also don't give myself enough time to do it! U r a wonderful friend and a great listener! Can't wait to have kids too and be a stay at home mom and hang out with u all day! LOL! :-) Love ya!


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