Pregnancy: A Beautiful Thing

I was reflecting a few days ago on my pregnancy and the process of being pregnant, to being a mother, and someday a grandmother. Deep subject, I know! Read on - if you are feeling brave!

I was remembering how I have always thought pregnant women were amazing and beautiful in a way no other person could be. I was thinking about how I have longed to be a wife and mother for as long as I could recall! The thought that God gives us the opportunity to carry and care for an amazing little life for 40 weeks, and then we are given the opportunity & responsibility to raise this small child with the Bible & our previous life experiences as our instruction manual; It is truly amazing. The nine months leading up to the birth of a child are, in my opinion, our chance to mentally, physically and emotionally prepare for the proper care of this little miracle. We must be mindful of the foods we eat, and how much we consume each day. We must maintain the proper intake of water and vitamins, no matter how we feel. We must exercise and remain as flexible as possible, while strengthening muscles we didn't even know we had! We must allow ourselves to rest when tired, but also stay productive, knowing that as a woman, wife, and mother, there are tasks to take care of. We will not be able to neglect the daily routine when our new baby arrives, so now is a great time to dive in and prepare for the daily tasks as well as the busy schedule that we will soon manage.

 I have decided that someone should write a book about all of the things people just don't tell you about pregnancy before you become pregnant. There are many non-glamorous aspects to pregnancy (which I will avoid listing, in order to remain somewhat modest and spare you the gross details) that are apparently the un-spoken facts that every pregnant woman understands and everyone else that has not been through the process has no idea exist. I have learned some of these facts the hard way, but am glad I have the online baby -center posts to reassure me that all is well and 'normal' (as if that even exists). Haha!

 I must also include how much I LOVE the feeling of carrying a baby. His little squiggles and squirms inside of me are priceless. The occasional punches and kicks are a reassuring sign of his health and strength, even when they are right over my bladder and send me dashing to the restroom every chance I get. I'm still not sure why we have the crazy emotions which can send us spiraling into a crying frenzy for no apparent reason. Those darn Disney World commercials really get to me. I don't know what it is exactly about the commercials, but even the thought makes me tear up. I heard a story today about some parents that surprised their children with a trip to Disney World and I couldn't contain my emotions!! Maybe I just really want to go, and take my children someday. What a basket case I am! ;-) I cannot explain it...

Another really fun, yet exhausting aspect to pregnancy is the shopping. Maternity clothes, baby gear, Nursery supplies, and all of the other fun things that are baby necessities are enough to make a sane person crazy. Reading reviews and finding that one thing that will work best for YOUR baby and lifestyle is nearly impossible without a little trial and error. I am hoping that based on the recommendations that we have received, we made good decisions on the items we have purchased. Time will tell...

As you may have noticed, I have become consumed by pregnancy and all that it entails, and am loving (almost) every minute of it. I am SO grateful for my husband, Darek, and his patience and loving kindness he shows me even when I really don't deserve it. I can only pray that I will be the patient, kind, loving mommy that my child needs, and continue to be the loving, caring, respectful wife that my husband needs and deserves.

Mommyhood is coming, and I'm thrilled!! This is truly my heart's desire!! 

Time to eat - again... :-)


  1. Yes I can definitely relate to you in so many ways. I remember right after Audrianna's delivery just looking at my mom (who was in there during it all) and having more respect and love for her than ever before. It was pretty emotional thinking that I had just experienced what she went through and having so much love for our new bundle of joy, I then understood a mother's love. I agree there are so many things you just don't know or understand until you're in that situation. Same goes for labor/delivery, there's just so much that you think you know but you just don't, not bad stuff, just things you can't really prepare for though. You'll do great! I'm so happy for you guys!


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